veröffentlicht am 12. April 2023
Digitales Album
Streaming und Download
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Since the release of RFR 014 Joannes has remained a quality source of solid techno. With this four track EP he proves his sonic versatility.
„Kiss“ sounds like a lucid dream, when you have spent the nights sleeping upon Robert Hood’s „Internal Empire“ for some time. A respectful homage to Detroit’s grandmaster, combining everything what made and makes techno so unique for decades.
The second track remains true to the minimal approach of this EP. Pictures of a humid rainforest, only sparsely lit by daylight, through whose overgrown paths you’re cutting your way with a machete. Certainly not a place for a „Date”, rather a spot for minimal techno in 90s garments.
A touch of tribal, Chicago infused percussions and gentle melodies are all that it takes to elect „Love“ as one of the highlights of this EP. A wonderful start for those often-underrated record flipsides.
Despite its title, „Hate“ might be the most accessible track of this EP. If you are into melodic Detroit techno with dash of…., you may fall in love with this one and hardly get away from it.
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